CS Cristian Marian CĂLINIȚĂ – agrotehnics
ACS Mihaela POSTOLICI– plant protection
ACS Andreea BRASLA – irrigation systems
ACS Mihaela Cecilia DOGARU – agrochemical determinations
AS Holt Vlăduț Loredan – orchard technologies
The laboratory researches the techniques and technologies applicable in the cultivation of new varieties of apricot, peach and nectarine species, as well as the behavior of apple and cherry varieties in the Bucharest area.
Also, in order to meet the farmers, the laboratory staff pursues the differentiated application of cuts and the use of different crown shapes for the varieties planted in the southern area of Romania, in order to expand their production.
CS Cristian Marian CĂLINIȚĂ – agrotehnics
ACS Mihaela POSTOLICI– plant protection
ACS Andreea BRASLA – irrigation systems
ACS Mihaela Cecilia DOGARU – agrochemical determinations
AS Holt Vlăduț Loredan – orchard technologies
The themes and experiences that are carried out in the Agrotechnics and Plant Protection Laboratory are based on a series of programmatic documents, in which objectives are established that lead to the achievement of the issues addressed in the laboratory.
Virosis monitoring by visual determination and from S.C.D.P. plantations. Baneasa as well as from other orchards...